IT & Consulting
The name InSoft comes from Innovation & Software. The company is pioneer in IT remote services, introducing two innovations:
- Team outsourcing: InSoft.bg guarantees increase of your IT team, which complies with your standards and procedures, with short, precise and clear way of payment – you pay for a developer on a per month basis, and all supporting services to the developer (project management, graphical design, testing...) are included in that cost and ensure management of the complete life cycle of a project. It’s like having your own management team at place and development team
- Zero cost to the customer: in InSoft.bg we are focused on a business model, through which we first search for a possibilities to provide external grant funding for the client (consulting) + booth providing all financial resources required for the project and delivering the product (software/hardware/innovation developing)
The main activity of the company is to act as an extension of your home-based IT staff. Insoft works for companies in 6 different countries and building applications in 20 different technologies. Insoft has successfully delivered over 100 projects.
Predictable and measurable outsourcing for IT companies
- We guarantee to deliver pre agreed quality according to your standards and procedures.
- Our co-operation model is very cost effective and simple: you pay for a developer on a per month basis, and all supporting services to the developer (project management, graphical design, testing...) are included in that cost.
- We can manage the complete life cycle of a project. The only input we need from you is a functional requirement.
Like having your own development company
Our aim is to be an extension of your IT operations. So that it actually feels that you have your own software development center. Even though we have a full fledged management team in place, our clients typically have control over how we work. We will generally use:
- Your document templates
- Your systems and procedures
- Your coding standards and development methodologies
Yes! Your way of working! And if you don't have all of the above, you can use ours, included in the cost.
Insoft offers the following services for the effective use of financing from the European funds(not only in area of IT):
- Analysis of the company activities and recommendation of feasible subsidy program. Elaboration of strategic plans. Industrial and regional analyses;
- Preparation of investment projects and required documentation;
- Organization of financial sources and arrangement of financing until refund;
- Technical assistance during the planning and implementation of the projects;
We have a great team of professionals - Consulting & EU Project Development Team (C&EU PD Team) with experience in business and project management. We work with the best Bulgarian experts in the field of IT, green industry, energy efficiency, HR, investment financing and tourism.
So we say: You have a great idea for business start-up? You need money to expand an existing business? You need money for Insoft software, but you don’t have enough fund?
No problem! Our C&EU PD Team will help you to find funds for every area of business.
Just ask!
Innovation is the first word that comes in our minds when we start some project. But what das it mean? innovation is the development of new customers value through solutions that meet new needs, inarticulate needs, or old customer and market needs in value adding new ways.This is accomplished through more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are readily available to markets, governments, and society. Innovation differs from invention in that innovation refers to the use of a better and, as a result, novel idea or method, whereas invention refers more directly to the creation of the idea or method itself. Innovation differs from improvement in that innovation refers to the notion of doing something different (Lat. innovare: "to change") rather than doing the same thing better.
Insoft.bg teams are located in three offices:
- Head office and Clients center: Sofia, 93 Simeonovsko shose Bld – here is the head management of the company and the clients can meet our marketing team and receive information about our products and services
- Software Development Center: Sofia, Scientific complex of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – here is located part of our team of software developers
- Support and Software & Innovation Development Center: Pleven, 27 D. Konstantinov Str, Genimex Business Center – here is our support & call center and our main part of software developers and innovation developing team
What We Build
Webcites & E-commerce
Mobile applications
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
E-learning solutions
Relationship management (CRM) systems
Systems for digitalization of production

What our clients say
We cooperate with Insoft for over ten years now and hope to do so for the next decade. We are very impressed by the quality of the Insoft team working on our projects. Not only the code top quality
Brian Koldrup IT Consultant & Developer
We cooperate with Insoft for over ten years now and hope to do so for the next decade.
We are very impressed by the quality of the Insoft team working on our projects. Not only the code top quality (which many development houses can write) but the team displays a real understanding of our issues and comes to the table with suggestions and ideas that are very impressive. Most impressive however is their dedication to us and our projects.
Unlike nearly all SW houses in the world, Insoft provides perfect working conditions, and as a result of that employees work for years for them. For me as a customer this is extremely important, I can really build, shape and train my team and this effort does not get lost because of job hopping.
Ali Ahmed Mabhud IT Consultant
It is almost incredible how easy it is to work "long distance" . It has always been the major concern for me and the reason NOT to start doing this.. But after the experience I have had, I can assure everybody there is no reason to worry about anything at all ! The combination between redmine (the project management tool) , Skype and regular mail makes a perfect collaboration perfectly possible.
Coming to the core, which is of course the work itself : the speed and the quality of their work ( both on graphical and programming side) is just STUNNING ! I can write 5 pages about it, but this word simply says it all...